Remapping / Chipping
As an Evolution Chips agent we specialise in diesel and petrol performance chips, or remapping via OBD port.
Evolutions aim when creating performance chips, or remapping is to gain the perfect increased power curve and fuel economy improvements yet retain all the safety parameters originally programmed into the engine management system by the manufacturer so as to protect your engine and drive train from damage.
An Evolution Chips Remap Will Give You The Following Gains:
- More Horsepower.
- More Torque.
- Improved Throttle Response.
- Smoother Power Delivery.
- Safer Overtaking.
- Guaranteed Better Fuel Economy On All Diesel Remaps.
The power gains and improved fuel economy are achieved by very careful matching of parameters such as boost pressure, fuel delivery rates and timing along with adjustments to maps that electronically limit torque, throttle response and top speed. All this information in your ECU calibration file is carefully optimised to our exacting standards and then programmed back into your ECU and the vehicle comprehensively tested before we allow you to take the vehicle away.
When you take your vehicle away, you will leave with:
- A 7 Day No Quibble Trial Period Available.*
- A Lifetime Warranty On All OBD Port Remaps.*
* Does not apply to hardware. Only OBD Installed Evolution Chips.
Click the icon below to search the Evolutions Chips database for your vehicle or call us to discuss your requirements.